Sunday, January 20, 2008

LIGHTBOX Opening Party Dec 16 2007

Dear customers, partners, blog visitors, friends and family

2007 has been an eventful year for LIGHTBOX and I want to say I could never have done it without all of your support.

Cheesy I know...but many a times, i found encouragement, hope, motivation in you and "thank you" just ain't enough for those for have given me so much help, and never once expecting return. You know who you are guys...thanks.

LIGHTBOX officially opened at 60 Tras Street #03-01 on Dec 16, 2007 and thanks to all who made time to come down to support and showering us with flowers and gifts. I hope our studio will be the beginnings of many more good things and my vision is that LIGHTBOX will be the brand associated with quality photography and service that our customers will come to appreciate.

Here are some photos of our new studio, unfortunately we (me + wife) were so busy with mingling and having fun with all our guests that *gasp* we didn't take any photos of the party!

Anyway, I want to end off this posting by extending a BIG welcome to all to visit us at our humble studio at Tras Street so we can share with you our passion for what we do. And an additional piece of good news is that we are maintaining our wedding price packages for all 2008 weddings dates (same as 2007!), we decided everybody has enough price increases to deal with already!

Thanks all and wishing you all a fantastic 2008!

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