Saturday, August 25, 2007

Lalang adventures


The seventh lunar month has always been break-time for wedding photographers and a good time to polish our skills for the next "season" and set out to discover new outdoor locations for great shots...

2 days ago, me and my wife cycled to Punggol to recce for Lalang and also test out my new Nikon Fish-eye lens. Lalang fields always make a great backdrop for wedding shots and after some effort, I found the almost perfect location.

The lalang was fancy enough but we had to bash through a large grass field to get there and withstand an barrage of mosquitoes attacks to get the shots I wanted.

Oh well...I guess it definitely a good location to keep in mind for pre-wedding shots but mosquito repellant and sport shoes are definitely the pre-requisites the next time we venture there again :)

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