Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Happy new year!

A happy new year to all. It's been a while after my last blog. It's been a very busy period for me and thanks to all my patient customers who have been waiting for their photos. Will try my best to process them and contact you after they are done.

Here's some pictures from Hian Wei and Pamela wedding.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Vishnu n Huiling 29 nov 08

An indian and chinese wedding... Vishnu and Huiling.

Vishnu practicing his chinese calligraphy.

We went to ECP for a shoot and met this group of very exciting and enthusiastic cyclists on a very nice sat morning.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Celia n Kuan Shin 30 nov 08

Celia is a bubbly character, full of smiles and laughter throughout her wedding day.
Enjoyed shooting their wedding day! Here's some of their pixs.